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Akansha Enterprises

Aakansha Enterprises is a company Incorporated in 2018 located registered in New Delhi

Aakansha Enterprises”s new innovative venture Roombr. With Roombr, your wall becomes an interactive, computing screen. This makes video-conferencing truly life-size, life-like and immersive. Invite people to collaborate on your screen, virtually, and your room transforms into a shared knowledge space. Wherever in the world you are, with Roombr you are in one room, collaborating on one interactive whiteboard.

Man Power

As India’s foremost manpower consultancy, Aakansha Enterprises leads the pack in matching the most relevant jobs to skilled individuals. India shows a promising growth in terms of job growth and many organizations are on a hiring spree.


Aakansha Enterprises is one of the leading Companies in State. For small medium organizations that don’t want the expense of managing an IT person or inhouse IT department look upon Aakansha Enterprises Annual Maintenance Contract service for IT Support services & Computer AMC solutions.

Security System

Every business has uniquely specific requirements for the protection of their organization, and Aakansha Enterprises knows how to partner with your company to achieve a clear vision to design, upgrade, or augment a new/present security solution.

About Us

Aakansha Enterprises is a company Incorporated in 2018

Aakansha Enterprises is a company Incorporated in 2018 located registered in New Delhi, INDIA supply all electronic gadgets, clothing, food and beverage products. Our major supply constitute supply of construction material expertise in recycled tiles ( ILFS ) Environment Infrastructure.

Our company recently diversified into……..



Quality of services and the commitment of the director and staff have ensured customer retention.


To be the most reliable efficient and rapidly growing Trading Company in the Indian Northern Reason


The Company’s success has been attributed to the following core values; Ethical Efficiency, Ensuring.


To be the supplier for all daily-based commodities with Innovative Distribution network.

Roombr, World’s First Walltop Computer